Sunday, August 26, 2012

Clean Up Your Diet

How you can boost your health with sensible eating. It not only offers detox and digestion  tune-up plans, but also suggests food cures for common issues. Here is a selection of leanings from the book.
Alkaline Diet

  • Never skip breakfast. It's your morning meal that sets your body up to produce energy from the beginning of your day. Oats in the form of porridge or muesli and millet will help mobilize your energy.
  • Load up on fruit juices or smoothies. Have a glass of pure fruit smoothie or juice or a whole fruit every morning for the breakfast. Eating a fruit after dinner will up your fiber intake that, in turn will get your bowels working.
  • Aim for lightly-cooked food. Excessive heat strips the food off nutrients like vitamins and minerals. So eat lightly cooked food, steam it instead of boiling.
  • Do not drink water with meals. Digestive juices get concentrated in the stomach and the small intestine during digestion. Drinking water with meals dilutes these juices and slows down digestion.
  • Eat alkaline foods for pain-free bones. Alkaline foods keep pain under control. Watermelon, lemons and dates are good examples. At the same time, acidic foods, especially refined flour products, may enhance pain-avoid them.

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